Slowing Down When Life is Busy

Slowing Down When Life is Busy

Recently at our local church, we had a wonderful guest speaker preach in the absence of our head pastor. His sermon was titled “The Joy of Slowing Down”. He had noticed in his study of the life of Jesus how often Jesus would step away, pause, and seek time with His Father. For example:

“When Jesus heard what had happened, he withdrew by boat privately to a solitary place.” Matthew 14:13a

“Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.” Mark 1:35

“Jesus went out as usual to the Mount of Olives, and his disciples followed him.” Luke 22:39

Our speaker pointed out that, although Jesus was always busy, he was never hurried. He always left margin in his day to stop for the blind beggar or to pause for the woman who touched the hem of his garment or to sneak away and spend time in communion with God the Father.

Personally, this concept is a revolutionary one that God has been drilling into my heart for the past few months. I have often erred on the side of over-packing my day, having a to-do list that never gets done but often gets longer and wondering why I'm so exhausted and drained all the time. I tried so hard to live on my own strength (and still do) even though I've been shown time and again that it is never enough. My life was marked with hurriedness.

Until about 3 months ago when God brought our sweet baby girl into our lives. I quickly learned in those first few weeks that a) life isn't about me anymore (was it ever?) and b) though I can try to pack my schedule in a way for everything to get done, it’s Selah who now has the final word. I would start to tackle a to-do list and she would be hungry. Again. I would try to schedule an outing only to have the plan derailed by a meltdown. Even the super cute outfit I planned for her to wear all day would often be ruined by a blowout 5 minutes after securing that last snap. My own plans and attempt to cling to a hurried lifestyle were slowly being taught to be submissive to the One who gave me the day in the first place.

God has patiently begun to show me the beauty of slowing down through Selah. Her cries for me to pause my day for her needs have painstakingly started to wear away the selfishness in my heart. The pride I took in hurrying to get it all done in my own strength is being replaced by a humble acknowledgement that “my flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever” (Psalm 73:26). How ironic that her name means “to pause and praise.” We had hoped her name’s significance would be a reminder to her one day on how to live. I never once thought it would be a reminder to my own heart.

So if you find yourself caught up in the craziness of life, take a moment to reflect our Savior. Pause and pray to our glorious Heavenly Father. Ask for His leading in the needs around you and leave margin in your day to meet those needs, by His strength. Take a breath, slow it down and try not to miss out on the gift of life God has bestowed on us.

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