Book Review: Freedom to Flourish

Book Review: Freedom to Flourish

“We have been created with a purpose, a purpose that flowed out of God's abundant love. And where sin damaged the image we bear, God promised to restore it. Where shame and comparison bound us, he has set us free.” (Elizabeth Garn, Freedom to Flourish, (166).

I don’t know about you, but I regularly struggle with misplacing my identity. As believers, our identity is completely secure in Christ. It cannot be shaken or lost by anything in this world - not our shortcomings, not our failures, not our inabilities, not our sin. There is nothing that can diminish the value of our identity in Jesus.

And yet...

I am daily tempted to place my identity, value, and worth in various aspects of my life. Whether that be in my motherhood, the Pinterest perfection (or lack thereof) of my home, or the monetary value I can contribute to our bank account each month, there is no shortage of places where I try to place my identity and value.

Which is why this book has been such an incredible blessing in my life.

In Freedom to Flourish, Elizabeth Garn takes us back to the very beginning of our story. Carefully walking through the first few chapters of Genesis, she thoughtfully examines the amazing reality of our core purpose. She helps readers marvel at the fact that we are image bearers of the God of the universe.

In the first part of her book she paints this beautiful picture:

“We can be in a relationship with him because we are his image. We have dignity and worth and value because we alone in all creation are his images. Everything we are and everything we are called to be radiates from this one truth. It all starts here.” (34)

What an amazing reminder! The reason our identity is so secure in Christ is because we are his image bearers! Everything we so desperately desire - purpose, value, hope, peace - we can find in God because he has made us in his image.

The rest of the book deals wonderfully with the common confusions around the cultural mandate. When God says “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it…” (Genesis 1:28a) what does that mean for our everyday life?

I was amazed by Garn’s thorough analysis of these first few chapters of Genesis. It always amazes me how much truth can be garnered from a seemingly small and familiar section of Scripture. So much of my daily battle to keep my identity firmly rooted in Christ goes back to the Garden. The lie and temptation that were whispered in the ear of Eve are the same words that try to sow seeds of doubt in my own heart. 

One section that was particularly encouraging to me was when Garn looks at Genesis 2:18 - “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him.” Garn correctly calls out the common mishandling of this verse and the implications from the confusion. So often the word ‘helper’ is vilified. It is seen in a derogatory and demeaning way and can lead women to believe we were mere afterthoughts in the creation story, only made to assist man in his work. 

But that is hardly the case! My mind was blown as Garn brought readers back to the original word in Hebrew - “ezer” - this incredible word that describes someone who is rushing to the aid of her people, protecting them and advocating for them. Garn explains

“Being an ezer isn’t an adult thing, it isn’t a wife’s an image-bearing thing. Before women every walked the earth, God declared he was going to make an ezer and he was going to make her female. She was created to run to the aid of her people, to protect those who needed protection, and to fight to save those who were in danger. She was the perfect co-laborer who could stand with other image bearers, joining with them to reflect God’s image to the world.” (92)

I have never heard this explanation of God’s intended purpose for women. What an amazing depiction of the life he has called us to live! It gives so much meaning to the mundane seasons of life and propels us towards him in every moment. 

I really can’t recommend this book enough. I am so grateful it was recommended to me. I guess I’ve just become a reader who underlines things now because this book is FILLED with starts and highlights and double underlines. Yes. DOUBLE UNDERLINES. 

You can support our local bookstore and order the book here if you are interested! Fight to rest your identity in Christ friends! It is there, nowhere else, that you can find your value, worth and purpose. 

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