The Beauty in Every Season

The Beauty in Every Season

Springtime in the mountains means absolutely nothing in particular. One day, it could mean beautiful bluebird days; the next, it could mean a dramatic blizzard, or you might feel like you’ll be blown away by the wind storms.

Springtime also means spotting countless new baby cows on the farms around us. It means more and more days outside without layers on and building anticipation of summer fun. It also means about a month of seasonal allergies for every member of our family when we all join in a chorus of sneezing, coughing, and lost voices.

My favorite thing about Spring is the very reason I’m miserable for a short time. We have so many trees around us that blossom. Beautiful white, pink, and purple flowers spring to life after months of looking drab and despairing. These trees only hold their flowers for a couple of weeks before the bright pastels give way to vibrant greens.

This past Spring, I was driving to a friend’s house to pick something up and passed by a tree that took my breath away. It was so much larger than the trees in our neighborhood and was certainly at the peak of its bloom. It was so pink that my eyes couldn’t help but be drawn to it. I made myself stop and stare, taking in as much of the beauty as my mind could hold, knowing that it would all be gone in a few days.

I’ve been thinking about that moment a lot.

Living in Colorado has given me the experience of living in a place with very distinct seasons. This being my 13th year living here, I feel like I’m starting to get to know these seasons more intimately. The more I reflect, the more the truths of sitting back and watching the seasons hit me. Nothing I’m about to write is going to profound or anything new. I doubt your mind will be blown, or there will be any resulting paradigm shifts after reading it. But I hope and pray you are encouraged by the reminder, even if it feels familiar. It’s a reminder I need often.

With every season, there are blessings and there are burdens. Winter means Costco boxes of hot chocolate, Christmas parades, ski days, and snow ice cream. It also means frigid temperatures, five million layers of clothing to get the kids into, scary snowy roads, and social hibernation. Fall means beautiful leaves changing colors, pumpkin patches, and cozier days. It also means unexpected weather patterns, trying to get the kids to understand they can’t be barefoot outside anymore, and lots of wind.

Summer in the mountains is absolute perfection, and there are no downsides. No one can convince me otherwise.

Seeing these tangible realities in the world around us helps us, as moms, understand something deeply important. Every season we walk through in motherhood has blessings and burdens. The newborn days mean sleep deprivation, postpartum hormones, colic, and cluster feeding. They also mean you’re finally meeting the baby that was growing in your belly, sweet baby snuggles, first smiles, and the cutest clothes ever. The toddler stage means tantrums, potty training, and endless boundary setting. But it also means hearing your kid’s thoughts through their words, seeing their imagination grow wings, and watching their personalities take root. The preschool stage means dealing with a lot of big emotions, hurt feelings, and sass that feels like more of a preview of the teenage years than you care to see. It also means watching them grow more independent, becoming more adventurous, and asking big questions about the world around them.

I recently talked to a group of moms whose kids were out of the house. They were so proud of what their kids had accomplished but also grieved the closeness they once had when they lived at home.

I’m often told by well-meaning friends that this season will pass. That the little years are not forever and the best is yet to come. But my sinful heart has twisted these encouragements to make me believe this season is just one I’m meant to survive. It convinces me to ignore the sweetness that’s in each of the hard days and distracts me from the purpose God has for me here and now.

Friend, whatever season of motherhood you find yourself in, it is not a throwaway season. It is not one that you need to simply survive until the next one comes. There is purpose in every moment you find yourself in. My days are filled with breakdowns and bedtime snuggles, endless whining and endless imaginations, incredibly loud tantrums, and incredibly sweet conversations. These days are bitter and sweet in a way that brings me to my wit’s end and down to my knees. They draw me away from myself and right to the feet of my Savior. 

Look at these words from Scripture with me:

“Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.” Romans 12:12

“Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

“The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases;
    his mercies never come to an end;
they are new every morning;
    great is your faithfulness.” Lamentations 3:22-23

“And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.” Philippians 1:6

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.” Hebrews 12:1-2

Nowhere in Scripture do we see this idea that certain seasons are pointless. We do see COUNTLESS calls to persevere, to rejoice in all circumstances, to run the race set before each one of us, and to rest in Jesus. If your current season has a bit more bitterness than others, rest in the steadfast love of the Lord that never ceases and trust in his plan. If you’re finding yourself in a sweet season of harvest after years of hard work, rejoice and give glory to God! Wherever you are in life, God has not forgotten you. He has walked with you in every moment leading up to where you are now and won’t forsake you in the seasons to come. Enjoy the sweet, persevere through the bitter, and trust God in all.

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